Let Up, But Don't Let Go
I, for one, do not want to micromanage every single aspect of my company, nor do I have time to do so. The idea is to loosen your grip.
Fear of Missed Potential (FOMP)
I often hear the quiet question in my head, "Will I be able to live my full potential?" FOMP can be overwhelming and feel big, big enough to try to drown it out, push it aside, ignore it.
Pulled By Purpose
We can either be pushed down a path or we can be beckoned by a purpose and a vision every day. How are you pulled by your purpose? How are you pushed by expectations?
1 Day Versus Day 1
When I realize there is something I want to achieve, I can either tell myself that I can have that one day or I can start right now and make today day 1 of achieving my goals.
Unapologetically You
Ready to be you? I'm tired of attempting to fit someone else's and society's ideals of who I should be and how I should live my life. And I’m done apologizing for it.
Star Side, Shadow Side
The one thing we do not do well feels like a million things outweighing everything that we do well. Get support for your shadow and allow your star side to shine!
Riot or Revolution?
When is enough, enough? What makes you so uncomfortable that you feel compelled to put fear aside for a moment and enact your own personal revolution or riot…
Pointing-and-Calling Productivity Hack
When I engage multiple senses when performing routine tasks, I'm increasing awareness and focus and consequently reducing the chances that I'll make a mistake…
The Privilege of Procrastination
Procrastination is a privilege that we can make time for and use to our advantage and make work for us with just an awareness shift. Maybe I’ll try it tomorrow…
The Edge Of Growth
We as humans are always growing. We not only experience growth within ourselves and our relationships but also in our careers with our clients and their clients.
Violent Imperfect Action
I believe we can employ "violent imperfect action" to challenge us and lead us to greatness and growth. Not that it is easy, but it's simple. And it may be ugly...
How many times have we told ourselves that we "should" have done something? Whether it be, "I should be able to get more work done" or "I should be able to cope".
Can't Manage People
Have you ever thought about how it makes you feel when someone tries to manage you? I for one, do not like to be managed or controlled. I strongly believe that…
River Run Dry
I see human growth as a positive event that naturally occurs many times throughout a person's lifetime. In order for growth to occur, some type of change must…
Wash One Fork
We've all been there. There's a project you want to complete but it feels so overwhelming that you don't even know where to start. In many cases this leads to...
Positivity Matters
"Is the glass half-full or half-empty?" Guess What? Technically the glass is always full. Maybe it is half full of water and half full of air or maybe it is...
My Big Three
At the end of the day, what do you want to say you did? As incredibly busy entrepreneurs, it is easy to get overwhelmed. Since we are our own bosses, most of us...
GREAT is an acronym that stands for Growth-oriented, Realistic, Energizing, Achievable, and Time-bound and Tickoffable. I make sure that each one meets these 5...
Motion vs. Action: Not the Same!
The idea of "motion vs. action" highlights is an interesting concept that motion and action are not the same thing. I want to share with you how we as entrepreneurs can get "stuck in motion" and suggestions for pushing ourselves into action.